
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One Year!

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It's hard for me to believe I've been doing this blogging thing for a year now.  So hard, in fact, that I actually missed my blog birthday last Thursday.  It's been a blast so far being able to share our adventures with you (you can read most of our first-year projects here or check out our project page), becoming a little bit Internet Famous, and meeting new friends along the way!

Happy first birthday, little blog of mine!  While we're at it, how many of you have started new blogs in the last year?  Veterans, any tips for me?  And what do y'all want to see more of in the second year?


  1. Happy blog birthday! You've done so much fun stuff in one year... Here's to many more! (My three year is coming up in May and I just cannot believe it!)


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