
Friday, June 29, 2012

You're an Organizer, Baby

Post title to be sung to Britney's "Womanizer" as: Organizer, organ organizer you're a organizer oh organizer oh you're an organizer, baby (you, you are). Hehe. 

Kate over at Centsational Girl posted her results from a BHG organizing quiz this week, and it inspired me to take the quiz myself.  I never put too much stock in these quizzes; they're just something fun to do, and always interesting to see how well they work.  But this one hit the nail on the head.  (You can take it here.)

I'm pretty sure from the moment I entered the world, I was making lists.  I kept a spiral-bound notebook from elementary school (think second or third grade), and it's funny to flip through it every now and again to look at the things I thought were worthy of a list.  Even my choices of the boys in the third grade were ranked.  Serious business.

Image (and onesie) here

One of my favorite pictures from my childhood is this Polaroid my mom took when I was in the fifth grade.  On my dry erase board, I had noted a schedule of times to rehearse a speech (which I took to the state level, by the way!).  At least I took Saturday off.  And I wrote out exactly what I wanted to sign in people's yearbooks.  Like I said, I took this stuff seriously.

That's my first sewing machine below the dry erase board.  :-)

So it should come as no surprise that my "organization personality" according to BHG is the Schoolteacher.  Despite the fact that I never wanted/want to be a teacher.

I think BHG probably interviewed some of my friends and family to come up with that description.  I'm organized to a fault sometimes.  You can walk into our house any day of the week, open up a closet, and it's probably going to be at least 90% organized.  I actually like to fold laundry, especially towels and sheets (it's a sickness).  Our plastic food storage is organized by type, size, and (roughly) color.  The great thing about this blog, though, is that it encourages me to break out of that serious "type A" stuff and be creative.  Which is good, because in my business I need to start being more creative and less of a rule-follower.

How do you organize?  Any organizing ticks you have, like organizing your closet by color or storing your spices alphabetically?  What do you think your "organization personality" would be?  Try taking the quiz; I'd love to know how you rate!


  1. Every word is true xoxoxmom
    I took the test, and, amazing, am also "schoolteacher."

  2. Oh, I remember those days when you would come in like super-organization woman and get my room cleaned up and organized and labeled :) That must have rubbed off on me, because now anytime I can organize something by color, size, category, or alphabetically, you can be assured it is. My favorite trick was putting all of our packages of teas into one large clear container to avoid having to reach over them to get to other pantry items, or finding the one or two boxes that had somehow found their way into the darkest parts of the cabinets.
    Took the quiz, I'm a Librarian! :)

    1. Hahaha! I remember those days. And here I thought you wouldn't catch on. :-)


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