
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Around the House: The Kitchen

The kitchen is the space we’ve done the most on since we moved in, and it was also the space that had been updated the least before we bought the house.

Those cabinets.

Even after settling in, it was still so dark.

We had talked about painting the cabinets since we first saw the house, and I’d done tons of playing around research online, including this image generated on Lowe's Virtual Room Designer. Crazy how much it looked like our place!

So I got a wild hair up my you-know-what to paint the cabinets right before Christmas and somehow convinced poor Mr. GI to go along with it. Not a month before Christmas, not two weeks before Christmas… but the weekend before. As in, we had three days to paint before we left to see all of our families. So began an adventure of home owning that finally finished a week after New Year’s, thanks in large part to two helpers (yes, the same folks who helped us put together our IKEA furniture in the living room; either we're doing something right or they're gluttons for punishment).

I’m sure we’ll share more details at some point, but here it is today:

And just for kicks, let's see the before and after side by side:

We’ve pretty much exhausted ourselves in the kitchen, so we won’t be doing a lot of projects in here soon. Maybe someday we’ll work up the energy to install new cabinets or replace the floor or get a new fridge. But until then we’re focusing on the rest of the house. Can you blame us?
Source list: pendant light, IKEA; baskets, homemade (details later!); Roman blinds, Lowe's

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