
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Around the House: Guest Bedroom Closet Office

My favorite part of the guest bedroom and probably my favorite DIY to date is the closet office Mr. GI and I rigged up about a year ago.  I wanted a place for my crafting supplies and other random stuff, and I loved all the office closets I’d seen around the blogosphere.  So with Mr. GI’s help, we made it happen!

Here it is before.  What a mess!  I had already yanked down the bifold doors to the closet.  Personal vendetta?  Maybe.

My first step was to pick a color.  I had been itching to paint something with a saturated color, but I didn’t want to paint a whole room.  I picked out the deepest teal in a Chevy ad and matched it to some paint swatches I grabbed from Lowe’s.  The match ended up being Valspar’s Cool Rain (Lowe’s, 5005-10).  Perfect!

Update:  here's the link to the full ad

Next step was for Mr. Great Indoors to patch all the random holes in the closet drywall and build a vertical storage system for my paper.  I took a page out of Benita’s book and asked for vertical storage similar to hers.  Mr. GI then took that idea and ran with it, building a shelf with 40 feet of steel cable wound around in vertical columns.  Perfect for storing my paper.  We ended up taking out the middle shelf (since it was too tall/shallow for the grand plan) and replaced it with a piece of oak left over from a previous project.

Mr. GI and I have a deal that he builds and I paint, so after he finished up the handy storage I slapped paint up on the walls and painted the shelves.  I only bought a quart (didn’t really want to end up with a whole gallon of the stuff since I only planned to use it in one closet), and I used just about every bit of it.  We probably have about a tablespoon left for touch ups.

Then I filled it with my stuff, and ta da!  Isn’t it so happy?

Once everything was said and done, it took about four days for this project, working through the week.  I bet that we could have done it in a weekend if we’d wanted to.  As far as the cost, I’ll have to give an educated guess (since I wasn’t writing a blog a year+ ago and I’m too lazy to scrounge up the receipts).  We spent $13 on the paint and about $24 on the steel cable, so about $40 total.  Not bad for a completely refurbed closet!


  1. I absolutely love this closet! The color is GORGEOUS.

  2. This is an awesome idea. I might do something similar to the closet in my craft room.

    1. I still love it! It does limit the size of your project, so the only thing I would do differently is to have my hubby install an expandable desk.


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