
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Around the House: Master Suite

We've reached the end of the house tour!  I feel so fancy calling it the master "suite," but I guess it really is.  Our bedroom somehow fits a King bed (technically a California King), a dresser, a chest of drawers, and two side tables.  We were lucky enough to get an antique bedroom suite from Mr. Great Indoors' family; from what we've heard it's been around since the 1910s or so.

Let's get a close-up on that monogrammed artwork, shall we?  This was a DIY of mine about a year ago.  I had some floral art that didn't quite match anything in our house, so I pulled that out and used some white paintable wallpaper with our monogram printed on regular paper.  The tan lines tie it so well to our new comforter.

The closet in our last place was tiiiiny, so this master closet was a breath of fresh air.  It's actually so big that we stuffed a chest of drawers inside.

While the closet might not be tiny by closet standards, the bathroom is.

We love our wall nook, which Mr. GI built last summer.  I'll have to devote a post to it soon.

My favorite thing about our bathroom is that we have an awesome view of the garden.  Some day we'll change out the blue counter top (even though it doesn't match our current shower curtain, at least the inside of the wall nook matches!).  And we're always fighting a moisture problem in the bathroom, which we thought we fixed last summer but still seems to be an issue.  Ah, the joys of being a homeowner.  The bedroom doesn't need quite as much work thankfully, although it definitely needs a coat of paint and new carpet.

That's the end of the house tour!  Hope you enjoyed it.  We certainly have some things to do around this little place of ours, but we'll love doing all of it.  I can't wait!


  1. First time visiting the site. I, too, live in a ranch with a super-tiny master bathroom. We have big plans for it, but have to save up. Will be interested to see what you do with yours!

    1. Thanks for reading! Definitely let me know what you end up doing if you get to it first! :-)

  2. Came over from Young House Love! Just took your entire home tour and love what y'all have done so far! I am going to be doing the same thing soon with my future Mr. The apartment to home transition, scary but exciting! I will be adding your blog to my "must keep up" list for inspiration! Thanks for sharing and Go Dawgs!!!!

    1. Yay!.Thanks for hopping over, and I hope you enjoy looking around! and a hearty Go Dawgs right back at ya!!!


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