
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An Impromptu Trip to Savannah

Mr. Great Indoors had a little business in Savannah last week, so I tagged along and took a short walking tour through downtown.  Like most of the rest of the U.S. last week, Savannah was pretty hot and super humid.  Normally I'm not a wimp about heat (I have lived in Georgia my entire life, after all), but I was literally melting; my camera even refused to work the second day we were there (air conditioning + super duper humidity = foggy lens).  Nonetheless, the heat didn't make the architecture any less swoonworthy.

Independent Presbyterian Church on Bull Street

Bike parking on the street!  Don't see that very often.  Between the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) students and the regular commuters, there were a ton of bike racks and a ton of bikers!

Beautiful brick home with a painted porch ceiling.  I'm a sucker for painted ceilings.  And check out the architectural details-- the wrought iron railing with two yummy lanterns (the chandelier was real fire, btw), those chunky columns, and the roof brackets up top.  Love.

The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.  You can see these beautiful spires from everywhere downtown.  And we caught it after dark, too, with the moon peeking around a spire.  It almost looks like a different building at night.  (Hate that power pole in the middle of the picture, though.  We stopped the car in the middle of the street to get this picture and couldn't avoid it.  Dang modern conveniences.)

DeRenne Apartments on the northwest corner of Drayton and Liberty Streets.  I'd live here just for the beautiful entrance (that sconce!).  After a brief Google search I couldn't find much information about these apartments, but if anyone knows something more I'd be interested!

The front door from this home on the corner of Bull and Liberty Streets almost came home with me.  "Won't you come in from this awful heat and enjoy an icy cocktail?"

I love the street scenes in Savannah, especially the carriage houses that have been turned into actual homes.

Check out this downspout!  If we had gutters, I'd totally want one of these.  I'd love to see it with water spewing out of the mouth.  :-)

 This makes me wish our house had steps. 

The Low Country (which includes most of the Georgia and South Carolina coasts) is famous for its Spanish moss.  Although it's usually found on Live Oak trees, it transforms crepe myrtles like this one in Colonial Park Cemetery.

 And you can't leave Savannah without seeing a haunted house, so we stopped at 432 Abercorn.  Here's the story behind the house.  Creepy, no?  I did my best to capture the hebegebees for you.  Who's that ghostly photographer?

So that's it for my whirlwind walking tour of Savannah.  Have you ever been there?  What were your favorite city scenes?  How about other summer travel plans?  We haven't been able to block out a whole week for a true getaway, so we've been enjoying little excursions like this one.


  1. Headed to Savannah mid-August for a bachelorette party and returning in September for a wedding. I've only been once or twice before - both visits were in summer time and both VERY hot... Speaking of ghost tours, I might arrange for one in downtown Roswell for my big sister's bachelorette party in September :)

  2. I loved Savannah, and I love love your pictures :)

  3. Your pictures of Savannah are great! We go there any chance we get. ANYWHERE in the historic district is fine with me. I love walking to all the squares and learning about them. Some really cool stories go along with some of them. This is where I hope to retire someday!

  4. Thanks, everybody! We had a great time and would love to go back as soon as we can, especially since it reminds us of our honeymoon in Charleston. :-)

    @Mel: that sounds like a great bachelorette and wedding location! Can't wait to hear more about it!


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