
Friday, October 19, 2012


Blog and bloggy friends, how I've missed you!  We all juggle in life at one point or another, and recently my juggling has included a promotion, training my replacement, and graduate school, which I started over the summer.  On top of that, Mr. Great Indoors has been in school, too.  

Needless to say, our little family has been a tad busy recently.  Our house is a a wreck most of the time, or at least approaching a wreck.  It's not blogworthy in the least, which is, of course, how we in the blogging community compare ourselves, isn't it?  There are half-finished projects throughout the house, including (if you've been paying attention) the master bathroom.  We're enjoying the finished guest bathroom, at least.

But we're surviving our classes, learning a lot, and somehow managing to sneak in some couple time, too.  This newest adventure is forcing us to challenge ourselves on a daily basis, which leaves us happily exhausted.  It's all leading us to a better life together, and I'd say that's the point.

One of these days it will all calm down, but until then, I'm trying not to be too critical of myself.  In the last year, I've gained perspective and patience, which I know is more important than blogging crafty projects on the interwebs.  That said, I am missing doing something fun that is completely for myself, and someday I'll get back to it.  Until then, keep up the good work.  And keep an eye out for our half-finished projects to be fully-finished one of these days.


  1. I heard through the grapevine that is your husband that the master bath is done?! I'm curious to see how it looks!

    1. Haha-- indeed it is! We (/I) finally got a fire under our you-know-what and got 'er done. Now I just need to snap some photos and post them! Slowly but surely. :-)


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